東方 CPD ~ Touhou Fanmade Project (I): Coded Paradox
9 months ago

Let It Begin



Next up

Mononobe No Pizzo in a high effort style. An inside joke between me, @thedumbforeskin620 & @OmegaSaturn on discord about a futo with an Italian accent and a head chef in a pizzeria

Shinmyoumaru status

Boss sprites (2 of 3)

W.I.P (First time actually using a Zunpet in a song ^^)

I think i will be on hiatus because of technical difficulties..


Will be posting CPD updates soon though in the meantime have another pose of this lady again

CPD Midi files now out

November 26th update: After a short struggle with motivation i'm back to working on this game.

Almost all the art is done thank god Reimu & Marisa's shots are working perfectly. As soon as the bosses art are done i can start making the fight