2 years ago

Let's build excitement for the new in development Retro RPG "Our Oldest Parents: The One Family Story".

Give it a follow, will follow back.




Next up

It seems possible to release a test version of OOP:TOFS for bug report collection within months, because of this, today I started searching for help to convert the PC Files to Smart Phone compatible files.

Here is a trailer for OOP:TOFS The game is in pre-release and you can download the long demo (Most story done - More Combat To Update) https://gamejolt.com/games/ooptofs/688719

(Game Still May Be Late Due to Health but I Want to Finish It) Condensed 3 religions (Caananism, Judaism, Christianity) into Bible Shrine, it is finished. One more story area to finish then balance combat and decorate maps. Maybe finished this year.

With Minecraft's 12th anniversary I figured I'd share a fond #MinecraftMemory from my Channel!

A short series from 7 YEARS AGO! I really enjoyed The Yogscast Minecraft series & wanted to have a go at my own


Doena Town and the Zoroastrianism Shrine done. Next will be Tehpare Town and the Canaanism Shrine.

(9/13 Shrines Done)

Hover Blocks...must be a reason 🤔💭🤦‍♂️ #TearsOfTheKingdom

Well, after a week of no luck, no luck just turned into luck.

OOP:TOFS can now have a exp popup during battle.

The plugin problem has been fixed thanks to a nice guy on the forums.

Look at attached screenshot to see it in use.

After a month or so of experimentation with my friend CompanionWulf we finally got OOP:TOFS a social media plugin that is successful.

Take a peek at the screenshot they are bottom middle. With this players will be able to access out-game content.

Ekrcoaster recently dropped a public beta of his game -Venge, which I had the pleasure of playing Act 1 last year. I'm excited to see how Act 0 has been recreated. Let's see what's new Batty Bats!

🦇Links in article!🦇

Guys, our new in development RPG needs more following, I cant do it myself >__<

Help :3 https://gamejolt.com/games/ooptofs/688719