2 months ago

Let's mix it up a little this #throwbackthursday and look at some early #SecretNeighbor concepts for The Bagger!




Next up

Peterson's always had a flair for being a little over dramatic, which Slime over on Discord has captured perfectly in this render!

#RenderWednesday #fanart

It's #FanArtFriday, so here's this week's selection of our favourite creations from the wonderful folk over on Discord!

#ThrowbackThursday is upon us, so let's take a step back through time and take a look at some very early concept art for #HelloNeighbor2 depicting Raven Brooks at various times of day!

What you see vs what Imbir sees

We wanna hear about your favorite Hello Neighbor videos, YouTubers and anyone that you'd like to see step into Raven Brooks in the comments 👇

It's #FanArtFriday, so we're highlighting some of our favourite #HelloNeighbor fanart shared with us over the last couple of weeks! Our community's creativity never ceases to amaze us

Raven Brooks plays host to a number of rather interesting individuals, but which #HelloNeighbor2 character are you? 🔍

Click the gif, pause, take a screenshot and let us know in the replies! 👀

Another week, another set of amazing creations from our wonderful community for #fanartfriday!

With a bit of a theme this week it seems...

The RBO playtests are coming to an end, but for one final weekend we're opening them up to all!

So head over to the Steam page and "Join the playtest" now for immediate access to the prototype!


It's #ThrowbackThursday, so here's another look at some early concept art for #HelloEngineer and how it looked when recreated in game!

Our concept and 3D artists definitely understood the assignment 😎