[Five Nights at Sonic's Fan game]Taingle's Temporal Theater

6 years ago

Let's pray to our Golden Gods to understand the situation...(I posted this because Taingle looks like she is praying)

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Shoutout to TAF 0 whom I escaped their basement from, enjoy the tafing in about one hour!

Discord is STILL weird

Unexpectency Phase 3, anyone?

I bring a new oc for the Banban content grinder, Celest Crescendo! Enjoy the read (This took so looooong)!

#MostFearedMob I'd cry blood if I angered this mob

Want to help giving information?Go to the Official Team Cyantix Wiki and help us!(But putting jokes in the pages except in the comments will end with a ban)Wiki:…

Update: My joke oc became Banban's Sparky the Dog and I am EXTREMELY HAPPY AAAAAAAAH #ShoeUp

Did i mention the loading/saving screens?

What is even a face set in RPG Maker?(im kidding,i already know what is it,but im trying to make this game "original")