2 years ago

Level 37 - The Pool Rooms

Survival Difficulty: Class Variable

> Varying Saftey

> Heavily Unstable

> Diverse Entity Count


This is the Pool Rooms, with waters up to 4 feet high, white panels from floor to the ceiling, and windows with dark or white color. This is a very much favorited level in the backrooms. Some say you might be able to drink the water, but I don't recommend this as it has never been tried. The pool rooms has 3 different zones, ranging in difficulty of survival.

Zone 1 - Safe zone

Survival Difficulty: Class 0

> Safe

> Secure

> Devoid of Entities

This zone is the safe zone, this zone isn't dangerous but there have been many reports of weird unidentified sounds, sometimes people feel like they are being watched. The walls of the safe zone dampen sound. The white panels change colors to the light of the windows, such as neon colors and reflects it into the water. Almond water also drips from the ceiling making some weird theories, probably why there isn't any entities.

Zone 2 - The main center

Survival Difficulty: Class 0

> Safe

> Secure

> Devoid of Entities

This zone has a water floor like the last, but this time there is platforms above the water for you to rest. there is also supplies such as almond water, weapons, and food and it restocks when all taken. The windows turn black when night. The most special part of this zone is that it can restore your sanity which is VERY important

Zone 3 - The Danger zone

Survival Difficulty: Class 4

> Unsafe

> Unsecure

> High Entity Count

The walls in this zone are blue and black and instead of dampening sound they amplify sound which makes entities hear you. Its very dark and sometimes pitch black. The water is worse than before and if drunken can cause stomach aches (theory). Unlike before it drops sanity.


The Lifeguards: This is a group of about 90 people that with help if you are drowning or struggling and they are in the main center/ Zone 2.

The Republic: They live in The Danger zone/Zone 3 and are armed. They are friendly and will protect you from entities.

The Swimmers: This is a group with around 60 members that teach people how to swim.


Smilers, Skin-stealers, Wretches. Then there's a Glitchton (Idk if this is fake) Glitchtons are very rare and are human skeletons but their bones are neon and have a metal arm. They have clothing that makes it so that you cant hear them. Very Agressive


Level -33 Noclip

Level 823 Noclip into the bottom of a pool


Go up a staircase you can find to level -33

Noclip a wall in the safe zone area to level 7

(I hope you enjoyed this I worked very hard to do this)



Next up

Level 37 - the pool rooms


theres no way this works

Just some art I made for

Backrooms [redacted] survival

(Gore warning on slide 4)

repost if youre brave, I hope im a 1 :\

Emergency Radio




wait whatt