Warning: Level Doors is a fan-made level the back rooms it is not Canon and it is probably a joke.
Level Doors is a level that acts like Level 0 except it is more difficult than Level 0. Why? This particular level has so called ‘Temperature Areas’. Temperature Areas are different parts of Level Doors. (This does not mean it is has multiple sub-levels.) Temperature Areas cause areas of the Level to be colder or warmer.
Entities: There are barely ANY entities. But only 3 live in the level and 2 of them are RARE! Common: Smilers. Smilers are mostly in this level because there are many dark areas. Rare ones: Frowners and Rattlers. People don’t know why these two entities are very rare but mostly because that Rattlers, Smilers, and Frowners are aggressive to each other.
How to get to Level Doors. This is very exclusive and can be only entered on one level. Level 0 is the only level that has a area to enter Level Doors. If you want to enter, you must find a wooden door that is on one of the walls it may be easy, but it is very rare to get that door. (Level ! won’t count.)
Secrets: Some people are very lucky to just find a stupid meme on one of the doors.
To get out of Level Doors? : if having all three entities chasing you you’ll find a glowing door. If you see it that means it’s the exit. Run as fast as you can to the exit, if you make it on time the door will shut and the entities won’t catch you again until you encounter them again.