7 days ago

Life Update - Positives, some negatives, where to now?

It has been a hot minute since I sat down to give an update on well, me.

To be fair not like many care, but I feel like it's important to me to log myself.

I am doing great! Been very busy though, very very very busy. As much as it sucks that I just flat out can't get a normal job due to my mountain of disabilities, it is nice to have all 24 hours to myself to-

- Record videos -

- Edit videos -

- Stream -

- Draw -

- Contemplate Game Development -

All by myself with me doing nearly everything, which if you didn't know is NOT something I could do!

If I was still making FNaF Fangames I would be able to pump out some decent shit every few months by myself, it's a big improvement, though the only game I might finish is that stupid ass cat game I have unfinished.

As for me, like, me me, I may have fucked my reputation beyond any form of repair, but I am happy with the man it's made me through the months of therapy and time to think for myself.

Besides that I found the only downside to be the fact I am taking pills daily to keep my brain quiet, I have no idea what they do but they help so I will continue taking them.

Aside from my usual grumpy days (My doctor suspects I have a form of Bipolar disorder, isn't that fun!?) I am fairly happy, not even lonely anymore, I have friends to talk to now.

As for health, I have an infected eye that hurts, ouchies, I've lost A LOT of weight which is.. actually not a good thing because I am not eating right, working on fixing it with at least a sandwich a day or something like that, and as mentioned above I am on medication.

Mimirs is in good health and is a very good boy.

Now to point out the obvious, all of my games are gone, what's up with that? Although I didn't NEED to do that, I wanted to, that was my choice. Now you must be wondering, why? To make it as simple as possible:

  1. Other people archived all games and I might have an itch upload still, don't know, don't care.

  2. I want to start fresh as a new man with new projects, even if they are not games.

  3. I want to distance myself completely from "Smiler", that's also why I changed my username to CamDoesGames, to complete my transition from a failure of a man to a new and (hopefully) better person.

  4. I didn't want to continue making albeit, tiny amounts of profit off other people's stuff, if I make a profit I want it to be MY work.

Yes, this killed out a massive amount of history but, I feel like it's better this way, not everything needs to be framed forever, as nothing lasts forever!

Although there are people who still hate my guts beyond repair, and rightfully so, I want to thank those people who are at least being respectful and not actively witch-hunting me everywhere I go. As little as a thanks from me goes.

Now the big question is, am I still doing games?

The answer is, I don't know. Truth be told I don't know what I want to make, obviously, I have Playing With Power, but honestly, I feel like it's too- not me, it's not something I feel confident in making, at least right now.

I'd love to make a FNaF Fangame still, but my own thing rather than something pre-existing. I had an idea of a UCN ESC game where every time you play it it's- random, and expands the more you play, ala The Binding of Isaac. THough I don't know HOW that would work, and where to even begin. So don't expect anything for at least a few months, or years, depending on how busy I am.

I want to take this final part to say, thanks for sticking with me through this, and thank you for believing I could be better, to those, who believe that is.

I will see you around, but you can see me around through these links!

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLGVQuslmd5dBZCwjtnSXvQ

Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/camdoesstreaming

Twitter - https://x.com/CamDoesDrawing

TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@camdoesshorts

See you all around!


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Next up


Today I got pelted with a Chipi Cat.

Life is good.

Dude I am on the GRIND.

Streaming Mario games is just my excuse to do silly shit in the voice.

The grind continues

Also unlocked Tainted Lilith.

PNGTubers made doing streams a lot more fun.

The Skrunkly.

Took a break from streaming today to...

Make a short for my VODs Channel - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/iD3gWXRBkLg

Dec out my VODs AND Twitch Channel

Finish off the Uzi mods sprites.

My pillars.