Firework Fiesta

10 months ago

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Pixel version of nyctoterror

Meet the captain of ,, the crimson tempest,,

so in my new game im working on (KotKit) the movement is 2.5D you move in 2D vertically but you can go backwards forwards too

Also the game is devlog only rightnow

Corrupt clock you can stop time for 10 sec but only once if you did it you have to open it again

So i made a few changes and made him into pixelart

My new avatar i will probably wont use the first one but i think it looks cool without the suit too

shop ,

the 3 modified player is 3 skin

thats how it works

theres the menu now i started to update it beacus before it was just those ugly variables what didnt even showed at records

Meet the pustule King backstory in comments