Pickup. Its For YOU

4 months ago

Like the main menu for the game? i do


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Pickup. Its For you. Is My New fnaf Fan Game type game where you close doors and vents or stuff. and a phone rings. you cant stop it. you can only make it less loud. the louder it rings. the more the entity will come closer to you. more details soon.

i just cant. i feel bad for him

clyde is dead. before he died i asked him for his last words. after i gave it to him when i tried to talk to him again. i got a error. and after that error. he shut down. i think this may be the last message ever that clyde said. i am so sad about this

wait what???

First day of spring. And it's snowing


( by the way this is my death line)


what did i even do

geez. this bot has feels

i am planing to redo the entire office. but i got the time and shift system working

this photo was taken today. iv done it #clydeisback i recoded him