Lisa the Purposeful

2 years ago

Lisa the Purposeful August Update 2022

Greetings guys and we have an important announcement to make.

Before that, I am gonna tell you about the progress we made these last 2 months.

It wasn't a lot but we managed to finish a lot more stuff from the East.


So the Second Area's world-building is 90% done which includes the Mountain and other areas in this demo but I am still not sure if I should add more places or not.

Here are some screenshots of the Mountain!


Note: these are subjective to change.


Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress in this part as our main and only spriter Juancho was busy with moving the last month and he wasn't able to make many sprites so there isn't really anything to show here...

We still need spriters, if you are interested, message me on Discord! Rockmanslayer #7332


The Creeps battles are all done, 2 mutant fights, and the Brad Armstrong Battle is also done but there are still a bit more battles to add such as the desert creatures and the mad scientist.


The Music is the same I am gonna use from Dingaling and Taitoki until we have our own Musician.



So to summarize:

WORLD-BUILDING 80-90% complete.

SPRITES 20% complete.

BATTLES 70% complete.

OVERALL DEMO 30% complete.

Well, that covers all we did in the past 2 months!

Now as you may already have noticed, I said above that this is the East we are working on and in the previous posts, I said it is the West, so Rock what's up with that?

Juancho and I have different ideas for the story and at first, he wanted to make 2 entirely separate games that cover each of our visions of the game but that would be too much burden for both of us so we decided that I will be directing the East and he will be directing the West and so the route I am working on right now is the East and after the 2nd area of this route we will go to the Joyful's areas and even meet a particular someone?

After finishing the 2nd area of the East, we will start on the west where Juancho will tell me exactly what he wants in this route.

He already gave me a pretty good idea of what it's about but maybe I will tell you more after the 2nd area of the East is finished?

That's all and thank you so much for reading!




Next up

Oh no, they are in jail...

Lisa the Purposeful West Route Teaser

Jr gang oldest encounter vs current one

Just realized something...

You guys probably weren't able to access this area because my dumbass forgot to make it accessible with Maro.

Just a tree...

Game is in testing and polishing phase

Maro's New House and A walk through Maro's village with a new tileset and more details.

He is approaching.

The one who made these sure loves to play jokes on people

Lisa the Purposeful East Route Teaser