The Russian Survive

5 years ago

Little updates

Today I managed to do just that) the fact that there were problems with the other aspect of the game. But I managed! As you can see, the landscape has changed a bit. I can also say that there will be a ravine. That's all for now. All the best, and please write comments and suggestions.



Next up

New car in game: tractor!

beautiful views, isn't it?

деревня Знаменское, Московская облась, Каширский район 19 - 20.10.19

Does anyone else remember me? I'll be back in a few months! )))

Photo: the latest unreleased version of my game

MAZ restyling!

More beautiful photos (project website):

Now you can climb on the roof, and that's what it looks like

Does anyone else remember me? I'll be back in a few months! )))

Photo: the latest unreleased version of my game

The latest unreleased version of my game

New mode: rain

Beautiful view!