8 months ago



Btw go in the Communitys their gold :)



Next up


Here are the sexualities of my OCs!!

I don't Like this one tbh :<

•°Good boy°• [Aiko x Leo]

•° Yin and Yang°•

[I dunno how to spell Yin so i googled and it Said 'yin' Correct me If i'm wrong <3 ]

Guy's i found Yellow Mutt (Golden Percy)

°• Feeling so ELECTRICAL! •°

Now if your wondering what app this is, its GDevelop, theres a created game on it called "Algebra Jump" because of this i made my own level, and i haven't left gd of corse i just want to make levels on a game that i can instead of gd because on gd i cant.

Dunno the Name of the Trend

(Kiwi Said Okay at the end)

★ Pyscho Teddy!! ★

[German🥝Tw: blood, weapons🥝 MY OC'S]

LOCKDOWN is allmost over

I was bored and thought making Neko Kiwi eat a human arm :3