Remembered I that there is an official poster for Fnaf SL?
So, as day from day I see more stupid kiddos, who are clucking like chickens- "Funtime Foxy is a boy!!! It has male voice, means A BOY!!!! WAAAAA, okay, it's time for the plot."
And other ones are fighting with them- respect to you, soldiers.
Me- who thinks that Funtime Foxy is a female, has officially confirmed proof.
I already see some small gnarled fingers typing under this post, please read to the end, then write comments.
So, all of the war members were talking about Funtime Foxy's voice, I was cleverer, and to search for other materials. And out that this art thingy is an official poster from Scott. So,on this poster, I can clearly see Funtime foxy with long eyelashes.
"But Toy Bonnie has long eyelashes, but he is a boy!"- Heh, that's not even 100% confirmed
Here, eyelashes are complete picture complement.
What I see- Animatronic with those eyelashes, painted nails, light-pink colour of furr, and waist. Could males even have waists? Idk.
But I know Scott Cawton's female animatronic making style, and remembering, that male voice can be just a frickin radio transmission, I can finally with clean soul approve, that Funtime Foxy is a girl. This means all of the people, who for all this time thought that she is male, were completely fooled by Scott, or just had their own weird reasons.
If ya mates listen to me, gender war cab finally end.
Or just shit on me, and continue it without any normal reasons.
But you can't hide from the truth
Sorry if I seemed aggressive to anyone, just feeling emotional