Lol again dont really have a favorite dinosaur but heres one that i tried to draw #DrawADinosaur
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Does this count as a cuphead? Also i think I remember tracing this drawing.. lol. #CupheadCreation
Well heres a picture of my dog sleeping with a hat on her. #petsWithHats
I dont really have a favorite FNAF merch cause i dont watch fnaf but it probably be this.. idk lol. #FaveFNAFMerch
I would probably design this or some for an animatronic.. idk lol. #MyAnimatronic
Just something i drew one time #Amongusfriday
Wow ive been on gamejolt for 1 year sheeesh
I dont have any art or drawings that is roblox related but heres a picture of a doggie that i drew that i like to draw all the time #RobloxFriday
I mean.. heres this. #EasterAtFreddys
Well heres this. I didnt really feel like drawing and im not that good at drawing things. So like i said heres this #Mariomovie
This my best drawing of kirby i could do. #KirbyFriday