Five Nights at Sh*tBoys: Mas*****ted Mania (currently on hold)

2 years ago

updated "git gud gameover" screen, for fun


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*sees "100 followers" post* *checks Followers counter* lmao also hi

Forgot about those pixelated dudes lmfao (Lammy - Sonic Advance style) (Paula Fox - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 style) (Parappa - Super Mario World style)

Oh, and also. My screenshots.

Big J (lol)

Seems like my motivation at developing this game finally came back!

I had no Idea that I will do major to-do things for today. Shoutouts to Yarik for keeping updating the game w/out me and helping me to fix some bugs.

Cya later & stay tuned :)

Forgor to post it uhh yeah, PTR Anim test number 2

Wow, 100 followers?!?!?!?? fr Thank you so much for supporting the game! We are working very hard to release the game soon. So, just wait for the game and, see ya! (also, joke time lmao)

Gm lol