3 years ago

look at this dooooode



Next up

If gamepage gets to 20 followers i'll reveal a new Golden, comment a random date and whatever date is chosen will get revealed (if it exists)

ik I said you'd get stuff last week but I am dying w/ the flu currently so it took a while, anyway this is '15, he'll probably get redrawn since this is an old ref but he should remain relatively the same

Very Cool thing (Trophies!)


Also announcing that '16 Golden and TRTS Shadow Sonic will be featured in the Roster (Shadow Sonic will be a skin for normal Shadow Sonic, both Owned by @SherryZMax )


Proto Tails by @virus65 !

All the character designs are done now!

Concept for 2 + Withered Sonic and our OFFICAL RETURN!!!

Collection remastered may be dead... but something better is coming...

(teaser for a fnas related game that me @nightmarealex303 & @Dark-revenge are working on)

The voices are getting louder Anyway have your FNaS slop + some important things