[ Underswap ] The Kaboom

11 days ago

Look at this single celled organism
Isnt he tupid



Next up

Hopefully will be finished in less than a month

Dont leave us yet we're not doing the dusttrust cancellations references thing ( we're alive )

As much as I dont like a "core encounter" thing we're doing it anyways

I may do a little rebrand or do some stuff for the gj page it kinda sucks

Starlo!! :D

Alphys takes action thing

watch what happens when bro goes to his friend's house

urghghhghghgh sorry I havent been active bc

I dont even know tbh, anyways, still practicing sprites and whatsoever did this one, 1 year after V2 and V1 sprites

Proud of it ig, :bbbb

Chicken meow



Hey new theme dropped

This is for a parmesan chase thing that will be part of the parmesan section (duh)

he got a sniper isnt that cool (idk)