Green Jerry's Android Port Collection

4 months ago

Looking for some beta testers to test these two ports until @AG_AHMAD is available to test my ports.

UPDATE: I got 3 beta testers pretty fast, that should be enough.

He can't test my ports until around or after the 8th (this Friday) because he's been constantly focusing on exams for a while right now (after all, exams are more important than everything else).

The TRTF 2: The Dry Tears of the Past port's been finished since February 18th, but beta testing for that port hasn't even started yet because of that.

I also have finished The Return to Treasure Island port, which's been finished since February 29th, and beta testing for that port hasn't started yet as well because of that.



Next up

New port is out: Six Nights at FnafGames_360.

Find it on the game's original page:

This port still hasn't been released, despite beta testing for it having finished almost 2 months ago.

Read the article to know why.

@MLS_FNAW Plush (Edit)

New port is out: One Night at KFC: Rebooted - Director's Cut.

Find it on the game's original page:

Made a model for @Scrap_Metal to help me practice with organic modelling. I've done organics before but never felt satisfied, did this one very well. Might try to get into organic modelling, it's pretty fun!

Thanks to @DaRadsla for helping rig it! ^^

I've added one more achievement.

I ended up making a new cutscene for beating All-Out mode, and the old one I originally made for beating it has been repurposed as a secret cutscene instead.

Mummy Wario Man's renders (and AI) are now finished.

We laugh at the stupidest stuff.

Updated thumbnail, header and screenshots.