[Dusttale: Disbelief] Murderer Path (Dustbelief take)

1 month ago



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Read article please!!! (ok actually closed now)

Me when I get a sudden urge to play something cool and Papyrus and used in Masochism by Megalodapper




#guitar #guitarlearning




adding some effects to add more atmosphere to the picture

ya all can give your ideas in comments too

!!!Everything in video is still not a final version, a lot of stuff can change in future!!!

Progress slowed a lil bit again, but thats not a problem, soon We are going to show something big, but for now here's a wip of one thing from menu

#sans #phantomsans #undertale #dusttale #dustbelief #art #fanart #sketch

I made that sprite like a month ago or something forgor to post it lol #undertale #underswap #thanatos

#sprite #art #pixelart #fanart


last breath

I drew birthday present for @emmy-liquid

#art #digitalart