1 month ago


Minerva was the next in line to rule the village, her younger sister, Karma shared in her cousin, Ember's interest in warfare. Their adopted sister, Unine, struggled making friends, her time in the orphanage made her believe all friends are fake.

Ember idolized his deceased father, a legendary knight. Leo liked to play make believe, spending most of his time with his younger cousin, Unine. Leo was unaware of Unine’s previous friendships, so on the roof of their clubhouse Leo told Unine, "I wanna be friends forever and ever!"

Unine shoved Leo off the roof of the house, Leo’s vibrant spirit was shattered. He withdrew into a shell, finding solace only in the company of his brother, Ember. The mother's of Minerva and the mother of Ember became dreadfully ill, Ember's mother made Minerva's father, her brother, promise to take care of her children if she dies.

Unine is kidnapped, both mothers die, Luna is born, she and her brothers are now under the care of their uncle. The village assumes Luna is a curse, she is the cause of the the passings. To make matters worst her uncle takes his anger out on all the children under his care.

Ember leads Leo to the mountains that the village enemies take refuge, however they never returned. Minerva is buried in the responsibilities of not only working to rule but also raising the children that live in her household. Luna's uncle heard about Ember and Leo's passing and decides that no one will protest against him leaving the cursed child to freeze.

Luna, at the age of 6, chooses to climb the mountain to find her brothers, only to fall into the depths below. Luna befriends every monster she meets. Karma ends up in the underground for a different reason. Karma noticed the stress dwelling on her sister, she wants to remove at least one burden, even if it means murder. She wants to kill the monsters, and end the war.

Even though she promised not to, Luna has to fight Karma. Karma gains power from Chara, and Luna gains strategy from Gaster. The fight causes the whole universe to be destroyed, but void to antivoid is like oil to water, Luna cannot die. Luna is stuck in the antivoid, incapable of death.



Next up

I'm not the one in trouble here.

Over and Over

Someone who doesn't know the luna versus bobby series. Explain what's happening in this picture.

Pull string toy Camden! [Credit to @SOAPIE4EVA for inspiration and @camp4416 for the character :>]

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