Unknown Biological Sex
Pronouns: He/Him
Weight: 92kg (202lb)
Height: 182cm (Rounded up, 6'0ft)
Binky is another subject being held at █████ ███ Facility
Binky has had an actual identity before being taken into the facility, he has long since forgot it due to the post-operation amnesia.
He does not know that he was operated on and had his biology transferred to a stuffed animal vessel, this does not matter anymore as staff had taken his original organs and replaced them with artificial fabric ones and stuffing.
Binky has/had vitiligo, but his head is the only proof that he does as well... His body is a big teddy bear now y'know.
Binky can speak, but prefers not to around Bloodbag due to their sensitive hearing and his loud voice. This is the reasoning behind Binky learning sign language.
His face covering is merely an accessory, he can take it off as he pleases but he prefers not to.
The staff do not really like Binky due to how many resources he takes up and how easily he can breach containment without setting off anything.
He is regularly brought to other subjects to calm them down, it's fairly effective due to his heavy weight and soft floral aroma.
If he didn't have a profile to keep up, his personality would very much align with Banhammer Phighting!
He is good friends with Bloodbag