Yap and Yell: Louder!

3 days ago

Louder Dev Update 8: The Ultimate Update

In celebration of one year of development we also wanted to do a massive dev log for you all to see what we have been doing and conceptualizing.

With my school year over now, and also me taking an extended break from any development let me update you on what we are working on.

For one, the menu music is being replaced. Now the music made by JPT is not being outright removed, its being changed over to another area of the game. Instead we have @/ImSyren making the new menu music! Stay tuned for a preview of the menu music when its done!

Secondly while on the topic of the menu, the menu is getting one more UI overhaul as i was unhappy with how boring it was. Im currently experimenting with UI layouts and styles for the game, i settled on one that looks really well on the game which is being made as of the writing of this post. For now, you can take a look at the block out layout i made in Photopea. (heres a fun fact, 90% of the UI text and assets i made in Photopea)

Third, if it wasnt obvious from the one text teaser i did, the new characters name is Pawka! Currently her model is still a work in progress but its being made and planned to be unveiled fully soon! (hopefully ~n~) along with being unveiled were hopefully gonna make some lore sheets for all the characters to release, along with reference sheets for anyone who may need one. For now though, take Pawkas windup key as a sneak peek.

Fourth, most of the environments are now being made by me again. So things have been slowing down again, BUT they are shaping up a lot better than the old cameras I made. Still dont have to do Valaries room since Mega has done most of the work for me, AND the assets i plan to reuse in other rooms. As of currently, Yap and Pawkas Hallways, and Valaries art room are done and Yip's giftshop is being worked on.

Fifth the trailer, the full ass trailer for the FINAL build of the game is being worked on. I would say expect it near the end of August to be finished and hopefully released for you all to watch. About damn time I was able to work on it.

Sixth is the game is a lot more creepier i would say. The game doesnt really have ambient music, just the noises in your office and thats it. Along with the game being more about the fear of the unknown and the fact that there isnt any light directly outside your office make it a lot more unsettling to sit in.

Seventh and biggest is a road map of both development goals and ideas! Starting off, im hoping to finish the main nights area by the end of september or sooner, then get eidolons characters done by the beginning of 2025, finally finish eidolon and release Louder by HOPEFULLY early 2025.
As for ideas, Yap and Yell Club being worked on and completed at some point is the only one in mind. I would love to do a FNF mod for Louder or an original song like "Playtimes not over yet" but thats something im not experienced with.

Thank you all for one year of waiting, and heres to hopefully being the only year of waiting and the game actually releasing before 2 years!...what a dream that would be - Veniadev/Restuko



Next up

Fun Fact: This was going to be an office layout planned for the game but because it changed too much i decided to use it for a canned project

random yap art i sketched

Louder Dev Update 7:

Isnt she perfect..? 24 Hours we celebrate..

One week remains..

On the topic of animations, heres a practice animation i did with the pal model from Tightsocks model pack.

You know...all that showbiz/chuck e cheese animatronic study for bons burgers kinda aint useless sometimes (wip)

the color red is cool

wide bunny

Louders 1 Year dev anniversary is coming up quickly, and we have something planned to announce for it, stay tuned on June 28th for something to be revealed...