Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Synergy Collection [Not a Game]

3 days ago

Lumi and Skitty

Male Player and Female Partner for Explorers of Sky. These two are probably the more favored options by me over Flora and Shinx because they felt more original, Skitty especially.

The one on the left is Lumi. He's pretty similar to Flora aside from his more "timid" demeanor though I had the concept of him having three scars on his forehead and once he experiences one of his Dimensional Scream episodes, these scars will glow into a pure red and sometimes form the shape of an eye, based off Ruby Quest: Undertow.

The one on the right is Skitty. I fleshed her out a bit to be portrayed as a bit of a sweetheart considering she's a Skitty. She's kind of like an "adorable relief" for most of the horrors encountered throughout the Explorers Campaign.

I didn't completely scrap Flora and Shinx. I might make alternate versions of scenes featuring both pairs respectively.



Next up

Some Concept Art

The two Plumbers that somehow snuck their way into PMD when Skytemple came out

Light in Darkness

Some lite trivia of where each object on the thumbnail is from.

What the heck is this monstrosity!?

Amnesia inspired Poster