Today marks the release of the point and click hacking adventure, Mainlining, and you can play the first two cases for FREE (just download the demo). If you’re one of the 70k who have already enjoyed the first two cases, you’ll be pleased to know that you can now experience cases three to seven – the save game from the demo carries over too!

We decided to follow in the footsteps of the thrilling surveillance game, Orwell, and release the game’s cases over a couple of weeks. As showman P.T. Barnum once said, “always leave them wanting more…”, luckily you’ll only have to wait a week until Thursday, February 2nd before you can get your hands on cases eight through to thirteen. Mac and Linux users will be pleased to know that Thursday, February 2nd will also see the release of Mainlining for those systems too – not long to wait guys.

You may have noticed that a Deluxe version of Mainlining is available. For the record, it contains the game, a cool digital art book featuring some of Dave Grey’s superb pixel art and a digital copy of the games’ awesome soundtrack, composed by Telltale Games’ very own Jared Emerson-Johnson.

Mainlining has been very well received, just this morning the game scored an impressive 9/10 from Kinsey Danzis On Gaming Nexus in a review that commented, “…I’ve never had so much fun with a point and click game before.” We’ve also been enjoying watching Mainlining being played on Twitch and YouTube. So far I’ve got to say that the Yogscast’s very own Turpster has been our favourite, surely it won’t be long until he gets a job offer from the British Secret Service?

To end I just want to say a big thank you to Mainlining’s creator, the inimitable Sam Read, and to the other Rebelephant collaborators. Sam lurks on this forum so please feel free to reach out and let him know your experiences with Mainlining.