Clowny And Friends

3 years ago

Maintenance log / Registro de Mantenimiento

			Maintenance log A05D2-C

"The Billy and Max animatronics work perfectly. The sheep has a failure in the right shoulder joint, I will have to call the technician before tomorrow's party.

And it seems that some child stuck a chewing gum in the cat's hand. But something weird happens with Clowny. As I made sure everything was in order with him, I would swear I had heard a voice coming out of the animatronic. A human voice. It's like something is trying to communicate with me. Anyway, I guess I'm too tired. I don't know what I was thinking about when I applied for the night shift."

This record was written by night guard John Miller on July 3, 2005.


			Registro de mantenimiento A05D2-C

“Los animatrónicos Billy y Max funcionan a la perfección. La oveja tiene un fallo en la articulación del hombro derecho, habrá que llamar al técnico antes de la fiesta de mañana.

Y parece que algún niño le pegó un chicle en la mano al gato. Pero algo raro pasa con Clowny. Mientras me aseguraba de que todo estaba en orden con él, juraría haber oído una voz que salía del animatrónico. Una voz humana. Es como si algo estuviera tratando de comunicarse conmigo. En fin, supongo que estoy demasiado cansado. No sé en qué estaba pensando cuando solicité el turno nocturno.”

Este registro fué escrito por por el guardia nocturno John Miller, el 3 de julio de 2005.



Next up

Hola, estoy buscando un animador para mi fangame llamado Clowny And Friends, si están interesados solo háganmelo saber. / Hi, I'm looking for an animator for my fangame called Clowny And Friends, if you are interested just let me know.



Modeled by Alfredman20:


Hola, estoy buscando un animador para mi fangame llamado Clowny And Friends, si están interesados solo háganmelo saber. / Hi, I'm looking for an animator for my fangame called Clowny And Friends, if you are interested just let me know.

Rat Race Production Update

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''Could someone be at my window?''

Hi, I'm looking for an animator for my fangame called Clowny And Friends, if you are interested just let me know.