One Night with a Box: Gay Location
5 years ago

Major update out now

Hey look an EPIC update that has 720p graphics, improved memory usage, a few fixes here and there and some new content

There's also an android version of the update. Let me know if the buttons are way too small on phones because I've only tested the port on a tablet



Next up

apparently my laptop's ssd might die soon, very awesome

to anyone who has worked with emil's panorama shader and 360ยบ scrolling: what are the best settings for the shader and for the render? i can't get it to look right ๐Ÿ˜ญ

quality gif


all games cancelled, a meteor destroyed portugal (no more portuguese)

UBN Office

fnaf rhaddy edition will be called bara nights at freddy's


Android players and devs, help us test NativeSound, the new Android sound engine!!!!

creeper 1 cat will return in creeper 4