Into The Dust

7 years ago

Make A Game With Me.

I have a large collection of unfinished games… Two in particular are “CRUSH.TV” and “Into The Dust”. But I want to take a break from those and make a, decent, cliche’ch, browser based, top down shooter…. as fast as I can.

I want to take the assets and mechanics from my game “IRON GHOST”… touch’em up… and make a 7-10 level game, called “The Black Star Rises”.
I think this is where you awesome people can help me.

It’s sci fi game, because that’s what I love, and I’m assuming you do too.

Top down level design (10 levels | easy - hard)
Basic story (maybe some dialogue)

If you want to be a part of this, email me at [email protected]


Salt & Pixel



Next up

A little stupid thing I'm working.

I am giving away a $10 steam gift card on Thanksgiving. I'm picking a winner at midnight (USA CST)

I Launched a Kickstarter for CRUSH TV

Winner Announcement

Official Early Access Release for CRUSH!

Buff SCP-173 is now for sale. Limited Run of 10. Made when ordered.…

Hey You Guys!!!!

Custom Wrestling Toys in my Etsy shop!!!

I have a new game out for the Game Boy Color. Early Access starts today!

CRUSH TV made "Projects We Love" Status!