1 year ago

Make this egg the most viral thing on


also spam this post with stickers if ya like

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Next up


There are both Black AND White Jolt Phone stickers! I repeat, the White Jolt Phone really exists!


me when thinking game ideas

It's time....

(Make sure to like this post "please" so more people see this okay?)

Hey guys I'm getting a new figurine Tell me how ur day had been guys also sorry I'm still not posting that often anymore I don't really have stuff to post and now I'm losing my viewers but those who are still here Thank you

Also Rest in piece Akira

1.5K SPECIAL Thank you this journey has been amazing and i can't describe how happy i am seeing, meeting people that are so nice :D ... I Used all my time to make this hope you guys like it :)

People to follow Are in Article. Make sure to check them out

@Alexutbrainisfire when making post every milisecond