Night Guard Duty
4 years ago

Making models is hard

1 comment


Next up

Reworking game (a 2nd time), but for better sprites and so it can run at 60 FPS

after losing the source code for months, i found it again.

The art for the music of this season has now been finished!

PC Ver. soon

Protagonist's Room WIP 1

I know this is NOT the game, but this is my progress on the base 3d system: Skeletal animation

Models and Collision

Bloom and basic lighting

Hi-res texture support

(If you dont want me to post this programing stuff, let me know)


Tileset upgrade!

Im making a Arcade "spin-off" of the game, when its done, ill have info on how to make the cabinet and stuff so it is a real Arcade game.

Snow... Been awhile since I've seen that.