11 days ago

...Maliria Tsuru looks like Sans without Hair... & I don't like it
but idk how to add her hair right now
mainly wanted to try and redo her after @MichaelMayonnaise mentioned the old skin he remade for me & it no longer fitting with the new design of her

& since he had the idea as well to remake a skin a mine I felt like trying my hand on it too

so yea Michael please don't be sad or disapointet that I tryd to redo Maliria, you can try too or maybe the monster one, even so I'm pretty happy with the old copy and would like to rework her over all before making a new skin. I mean you saw the pictures and most of all what ever the hell those outfits where o-o

I need to upload those too, like it can't be that they not uploaded XD

Yes I am aware that I need to go to sleep



Next up

#GJAsks #CrossOver

Good Question, Good Think I ask ya if other Media works too UwU

But I still don't really have an Anwser for you

GUESS WHO IS BACK ONLINE OVER PC!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

omg I'm on for like 5 sec and already have all of my quest done lul well to be fear I missed a lot so no wonder

Here is a sketch doodle I made as a Server PFP idea for a Friend's RolePlay StoryBook DiscordServer

It's the #ArtWeeklies theme #DeadLands even so I didn't really make it look that dead ^^"

Happy 12th Anniversary, Minecraft!

The game's first full release was Nov. 18, 2011.

We're celebrating this landmark anniversary by giving out copies of Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up from our friends at @InsightEditions !

Read the article for more info!

Post by @GemLP

Link down below

I every much agree, and had no Idea where to post this. Hope you don't mind

Did you know cupcakes can be square? I made lots of minecraft toppers that, while simple, I think came out good!

When you pose with Flowers why do you always pose like you just got them, instead of posing like your giving them to someone?

#Pose #Posing #Poser #Flowers #DrawingReference #Reference #PosingWithFlowers #Photography #Photo #Question #Sketch

#LinaBunnyEasterContest2024 Winners!

Winner of Place 1 is @KivBunny Winner of Place 2 is @MichaelMayonnaise

Thank you Both for Joining my Contest ^^ it made me every happy (even so the Contest was technically Canceled..)

Modern Overlook

Built with @paintergigi

I made Hatters aka Panda @MichaelMayonnaise in #GachaLife2 with different versions

I forgot to make some pictures without hat and hair but oh well. I also feel like I made some other mistakes but oh well again

#Panda #PandaBoy #Furry #Cute #Gacha #GL2