1 year ago

Mastercaptain Community Updates!

The "Reposts" channel is the only channel that i'm allowing reposts in (and i ain't talking about posting the same post for reasons, i'm talking about the, for example "Repost for bread, ignore for grass"). This isn't really a big of a deal as it's just preventing a bunch of reposts getting in the way of original posts.

Public in: NOW

There will be a new channel called "Character AI" coming very soon! This channel will be where beta.character.ai posts go in. I will make this public because i'm working on some AI Characters that will come out very soon, so i want a whole channel for posts about the AI Characters to go in.

Public in: VERY SOON (Either tonight or tomorrow)

Another new channel named "DramaStuff" is basically the channel if your looking for any post about drama (or if your posting about drama). This is kinda the same as "Repots" except it's for drama (You can post about any drama, just as long as you follow community rules & GameJolt TOS). I don't want drama in general or any other channels so you are gonna have to post it in "DramaStuff". Also, if you speak about someone in a negative way in your post, you will have to put "DO NOT SEND HARASSMENT" in the post. Also (again), you can mention drama in your posts & put them anywhere other then "DramaStuff" but the post can't be mainly about drama.

Public in: NOW

			Public dates

"Reposts" channel - NOW

"Character AI" channel - VERY SOON

"DramaStuff" channel - NOW

Enjoy the new channels!



Next up

Megamind 2 is so bad to the point where the critics & the audience both agree it’s the biggest piece of dogshit.

Christians be fucking policing anything these days💀. This is ONE of the reasons why I turned into an Atheist earlier this year despite being christian almost my entire life.

drew @MastercaptainGameDev for fun (repost for new mastercaptain community)

Just found out you can actually make an Interactive Case on objection.lol instead of a video. So technically, you can make an Ace Attorney videogame. Ima mess around with this for a bit.

Here's the redesign! What do you guys think? I won't give a crap about your opinion on this but feedback would be good.

Found this golden shit on reddit today when I was just looking at the comments of a MK Kitana cosplay post😂

Most normal post I’ve seen on Reddit:

(I mean, he’s right)