3 months ago


GG goodbye i hope you have a good day for the rest of your life :')



Next up

here are the last of the toy foxy renders

(withered toy foxy and mangle are next)

yipee only 33 more to go until 800!!!

bro GJ fix yourself omg lmao lol

just finished Withered Toy Foxy

(in cannon she was the bite-o-87 animatronic and thats why she has bloody textures on here)

and here's toy bonnie's jumpscare

here are all of the toy foxy renders

excluding the hallway and office renders

:3 >.< X3

btw my art is finished but for some reason i've been forgetting to ask my mum to borrow her phone

toy freddy and toy bonnie's jumpscares are finished!!!

here are most of the toy animatronic office renders

i'm only missing toy foxy and mangle

(night 1-3 will be toy foxy night 4 will be withered toy foxy and nights 5-7 will be mangle)

stolen from @JonasHaak

i'm mangle but if it's a forced thing then roxy