New Features
This is quite a short list, however, the dedicated server has taken weeks to develop, and there are also many bug fixes related to joining multiplayer games.
New “GameManager”, which adds different stages, objectives and a countdown to the game
Players can now join a game which is in progress
New dedicated server, which runs in the command line
It will still be a while till an alpha release, but a lot of progress is being made.
Because the feature list has been short, here are a few stats about the game.
I have written 6103 lines of code, but tens of thousands of lines if you count any changes that have been made.
The entire game has been rewritten twice, and the matchmaking server has been rewritten once.
The game runs in one scene in unity, where there are 82 objects. Only 3 of these run the actual game, all the rest are for the menu.
The game has been played for 1 day, 1 hour, 38 minutes and 54 seconds in testing features only. I have no idea how long I’ve spent developing the game.
The entire game has been made by 1 person(me)(apart from character assets) in my free time.
The game has cost exactly £0 to make, and all assets(apart from the character) have been made by me.
I think these updates should be monthly, so there’ll be another one in June.