Platformer.exe Re-Told (W.I.P)

1 month ago

Me and green dude are good friend.



Next up

Metroid prime 4 and new mario & luigi rpg is here.


Play this, m80marc.

This game is still not finish yet.

Please wait when the game is done.

Maybe will be released in next year or something?

I am autism.

Obs is better then my smartphone.

I going to make a video on obs with droidcam obs.

Droidcam obs is a app you can use smartphone as webcam and microphone.

What will mario to do?

I made a bootleg mario sprite.

Angry birds movie 3 is finally official.

I have never seen before.

Oke, i going to make a plush video with my smartphone.

And i need smartphone holder for better gaming.


Here is bootleg mario sprite sheets.