Fazbear Factory
3 months ago

Me: I need some interesting and original mechanics for Fazbear Factory!

Also me: Half the cast is stopped by the mask.



Next up

Me waiting to get haters (I’ll get them someday…):

Thank you guys so much for 300 followers!!!

No way! Fazbear Factory crossover confirmed??

Watching from the shadows...

Saturday Night Devlog 8, or, is it 9? I dunno I stopped keeping count after 3

This is how it looks behind the scenes...

Oh my! A year already?

Thank you guys so much for a successful first year! I've been through quite a lot on this site, and it has been really amazing! Here's to a whole new year!

It's not exporting right, I'll try tomorrow

See you guys soon...

Mermaid Man Says:

"Buy more cards!"