5 months ago

Me watching mezzofloggles house burn down from the distance



Next up

Sonic and mighty

Messi fresh from utah

I drawn this on a paper, basically a reminder of the main projects i have to do, but also was thinking to drawn this digitaly for a banner. I hope it'll come good if i'll do It, cause i have no idea how i'm gonna design my characters, give me luck pls

Mezzophile spotted at local tescos

thumbnail sketch (about the other sketch post i made, maybe that drawing i'll finish another time, the first important thing to do is to focus on these projects)

also yeah, i'm re-doing the thumbnail because i didn't liked how i made it look like before

Me watching hezzoflow being eaten alive by mosquitos after i switch his shower lotion with honey and milk

I don't usually animate very often but I had to make a running cycle for The Spider, so here it is.

I animated this on my phone and it took me five hours.

You can watch this on YT too, btw:


Me after successfully sabotaging the mezzoflow hedgefund and ensuring he wont obtain passive income