Toybox The Return of the Toys

3 years ago

Meet creck!

Sadly guys clegg has been removed 😭

The main reason was He was not scary so he was not fit for the job :(

He has been replaced with a monster named Creck!

He is the image below, I think people will find Him disgusting with his gurgling noises!

Sorry if you have arachnophobia because Creck is a pretty big one!

Oh and here's what's new

Removed Toyletts (cute baby thing from original Toybox)

I removed him because I don't know how code a script to set him free.

New menu (UI not 3D)

New gameover screen (UI not 3D)

On gameover menu you restart the level instead of going and doing the game again.

Added intro cutscene.

Removed clegg

Added creck (more above)

added doors before entering a level.

(wow this list is big!)

Different background sounds for level 2.

improved triggers :)

Clockwise and creck don't patrol the level to you trigger them!

I think thats all!

(wow that a long list!)

anyway hope you enjoy the game!!

1 comment


Next up

A little footage for you...

Added another level + new enemy,

Meet Clegg

I guess it is time to reveal the monsters!

Note: there are more monsters, not just spiders.


Sewers, They stretch for miles and miles...

firetone studios:


Indeed it is..

Added a escape sequence for the end!

this guy will start to chase you,

and doors for harder gameplay 🚪

more info in article!

Clegg is back!!!


More info Soon!

Added a escape sequence for the end!

this guy will start to chase you,

and doors for harder gameplay 🚪

more info in article!

haha yes

Dark Deception And Toybox unleashed crossover

Added Post processing!