27 days ago

Meet dis epic and familiar trio! Ya'll FNF gamers should where they're from! >:)

DISCLAIMER: I lost the Void Thomas model. :(
So now I'm remaking it again.



Next up

Recently had an out burst of anger, thx to a certain someone/douchebag. At least I'm fine for rn. But for now I'm feeling hot and bothered.

Where have I been? Well it's a long story, but let's just say I've been busy with a whole lotta shat. So to make comeback on here, have me and da Main Steamers of SWB! ;]

THE VOID IS REEEAL! My Void Thomas Model has been redone! What y'all think? Vid in the background made by eucalypt_lad on X

I literally just saw this in a discord server


I've clearly seen better days.

Just how many times am I gonna keep going at this night and beating it over and over? I mean up to now from the first time I beat, I've now beaten it 4 times in total. I'm becomin' da KING! >:D

I'm quite big on equality. Imma straight ally, as one would say. (For pride month.)


I have traveled back in time, in 1985, to put an end to blood-curdling nightmare right before disaster happens. I am on the hunt, for 2 men. (Much like smoothie boi lol)