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Have some behind-the-scenes stuff on how I changed the characters in Phobia to the ones in SHOWMAN’S!
Not normally something I'd post but have a look at the main menu for SHOWMAN'S: The Awakening!
Very happy with how it turned out so I wanted to share it!
Beep boop beep beep boop boop beep.
he he he he he he he.
totally legit lore i promise (im lying)
Avast ye...
This teaser was featured in Fangame Direct 2's halftime along with four new gameplay screenshots! (in article)
(tw flashing lights) leaked gameplay footage for showman's: the awakening
the sequel no one asked for but who the hell cares honestly im making stupid crap when i want.
comeing soon (like a couple of days/weeks probably) to dvd and video. or theaters. or pizza hut tvs that play football. ask parents permission before go online.
“Knock, Knock.”
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