5 days ago

Meet my finalized/redesign version of my very first OC :D

He was the very first art thing that I posted when I first started back then ^^




Next up

So i made a human version of Kinito from KinitoPET!!!

(Also You can see the other W.I.P of Kinito’s friends Jade and Sam)

Miku art because why not??

art-Trade by my closet Friend!! @TallBlank !!

Btw this is her OC ^^

Meet HARLOW The fire ant ^^

Meet the girl that is cursed to be a half human half bird!!

She used to go by █████ but…. Not anymore since 2000’s

Meet Echoo!

They repeat every word you say

(well, it’s more like she repeats the first word you say)

Ummm here!!

Have some sketches of my main OC: Frenn

Hope You like them :D

what a sour girl 😞

Hope her day goes better ^^

I feel so so silly today!!! :3


This character might look like a certain spider Form a longg time ago… that I drew!! ^^

But enjoy!! 😀