ToyChica's Pizzeria 1 Clickteamed
2 years ago

Meet the new composer! If you don't know why is there a new composer, well just to avoid the copyrighted music.

Here are some musics that he made!

Also He apoligizes for the weirdest music box.

You like them?



Next up

Say hello to a new thumbnail for ToyChica's Pizzeria 1 Clickteam Edition! You like it?

A second TCP 1 CE teaser, coming right up! Can you find some easter eggs?

After all those days. Finally, we have them all.

Anyone remember that reference? If yes, comment.

Special Thanks to: @FnafWorldFan0234 and @Buffcat34 for sticker gifting.


Here's another TCP 1 CE teaser. Can you guess who that is and find some hints?

Every shadow is a caution.

For those who didn't know about this, TCE will be in the game's credits (Only a name), along with the submitted art that will be featured in @kazovsky 's VR fangame.

Special thanks to @kazovsky , and wishing him and his team a good luck.

Working on an EXTENDED demo for TCP 1 CE! Here are some clean images from Cam 1a! We're close to 50 followers!

meet Eddie (you play as this dude)