6 months ago

Mega Man 5 boss fights be like



Next up

Since the FNAS 1 update is dropping in a few days, I'll do 1 FNAS-style drawing a day every day before April 6th. Call it July's Week(?) of FNAS! Starting off, we have Clone Super Sonic! He got those Chaos Emeralds, now he's gonna break the door!

committing sins in 2 different ways

Hey, July!FNASers! You're prolly wondering, "Didn't you promise more updates? Where are they?" Well, school's been kicking my ass recently. but not to fret! I've chosen to take the time before summer break to flesh out the story! So uh, yeah.

When Dr Wily goes HARDSTYLE

trying to draw a character you've never drawn normally in a different style than your usual is hard

in any case, Cosmo in the Five Nights at Sonic's artstyle!

(thank @BunnyKidGames for the request!)

Streaming today 10/17 at Noon Central Time on Twitch and YouTube! Follow, Subscribe, turn on notifications to come hang out and celebrate VGM and more!

That one Sonic Adventure art but in the FNAS1 style

(i really do not know how to do the hands in-style LMAO)

Sonic 2 and Sonic and Knuckles arrived

Streaming today 1/9 at noon central time on Twitch and YouTube! Lets hang and jam to your favorite vgm tunes!

so uh

they made yaoi real