6 months ago

Μεγάλη Μαλαισία day is here! It will last from the 20-30 of December! It celebrates Mroman and how his disciples were born! Να έχετε μια χαρούμενη, μεγαλειώδη μέρα στη Μαλαισία!



Next up

also April 2nd will be the day the Byzantine-Ottoman empire takes over

What if France won the Napoleonic wars?

(Longue vie à l'empereur! Scenario I made up)

@MikaelorBash art challenge

wanted to try something different for once, let's hope i did well!

King Andrew has abdicated with Alexander's middle son, Alexander II taking power in the Holy Byzantine imperial kingdom! Andrew's power has been lowered to a simple civilian in the country. God save Alexander II!

Frankenburg real.

flags i made for @Greater-Roman-empire

flag 1: normal flag redesign

flag 2: battle flag concept

Evolution of the Holy Byzantine flag!