4 years ago

Meh. Screw it.

The lore behind funni Showmaster boi

In 1973, 2 friends, Jack Walton and Peter Smith opened up a theater for the general public, that they called "Showstar Theater". At first, everything was going well. In the first years of the theater, it was pretty succesful and was getting good reviews. Then, Peter partened up with [REDACTED] Ent, to make the theater more enjoyable for guests. The other company gave them animatronic peformers and money, until the partnership ended when [REDACTED] Ent. almost fell into bankrupcy. And, when that happened, things started going downhill.

First, in 1978, more theaters, bigger and better, started to open, following the example of the Showstar Theater. The bussiness started to receive less and less costumers every day. And, if that wasnt enough, in 1979, Jack Walton died in a fire that broke loose in the theater. Peter Smith was left alone managing a already bankrupt bussiness. It is believed he started to go insane during that time. He tryed to bring the theater back to bussiness by building more animatronic mascosts, wich kinda worked. The theater started receiving more guests again, but it was still not enough to pay the bills.

In 1980, Peter started development in a new robot. He envisioned a animatronic peformer with realistic movements that would entertain guests with magic tricks. He worked on the robot day after day, until it was finnaly completed in 1981. Peter decided to call the robot "The Showmaster".

After the Showmaster put on his first show, the theater gained more popularity, and was slowly paying up the bills. But Peter knew he needed more robots like the Showmaster if he wanted to theater to stay open. That is when he decided to murder the last group of guests in the theater, that were hanging out after hours. He brutaly murdered them all, and took theyr bodies to his workshop. Using an unknown procedure, Peter Smith was able to use the murdered people's brains to make his robots look alive. He desired to use that technology on every and each one of his robots, and murdered even more people in the course of 1981 to 1982, even his workers. Then, in 1983, the party ended for Peter. The police had found enough proof connecting Peter Smith and the missing people to arrest him.

When the police arrived, Peter looked around for a place to hide in. And he found the perfect spot. The Showmaster had been designed to be used both as an animatronic suit AND a suit employees could put on to entertain guests. That was a piece of technology Peter had learned from the bankrupt company that once supported his theater. (Note: [REDACTED] Ent. is still active to this day, after recuperating from bankrupcy.). Peter quickly put the Showmaster's suit on, and stood still in the Showmaster's stage, pretending to be his creation.

But it seemed like Peter had ran out of luck. When the police came into the Showmaster's Magic Show Room, the suit had a malfunction. Peter Smith was eletrocuted by the suit, and the police couldnt do anything to save him. It wasnt possible to remove the body from the suit, as it wouldnt budge to open. After that, the theater was shut down by the police 2 days later, and Peter Smith was left to rot in the theater, inside his own creation.

Althougt, it seemed like Peter was still alive. He managed to infuse his conciousness into the Showmaster's code, somehow. And that is when the Showmaster first truly came to life. From 1983 to 2020, The Showmaster killed every urban explorer, worker or anything that resembled a human that came into the abandoned theater. Only in 2021, he came into the sight of the AAC. And, at that point, Peter Smith's conciousness was already disappearing.

Wow. That is a pretty big backstory XD

I may have outdone myself here lol

Funni lore over



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