4 months ago

Memes random



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Another of my oc people I am very creative making characters his name is Jhonny And the cat's name is iris

Post without context

Well it's been a while since I posted something so in order not to leave this account dead here is this drawing give this fish a name I hope you like it

NUEVO JUEGO - https://gamejolt.com/games/Almacen10/874460

Descubre las anomalías, para avanzar entre los almacenes y poder liberarte... ¿o no?

Es un juego corto, un reto para ponerme a prueba y ver si era capaz de hacer un juego como Exit8.

Tell me what was the best movie you have seen in the cinema? This took me: 3 Hours to finish it

mi próximo juego ambientado en las entrañas de un desolado sistema de alcantarillado! 🕯️💀 #SewerNightmares #indiedev

Thanks to @Pail-The-Puppet-Fool For taking care of Mindy Now she evolved into a fairy and she is very grateful to you.

Here one of my oc her name is Charlotte She is a very kind and funny ghost

Hola a toda la comunidad gamedev en Español.

Ya está disponible mi nuevo proyecto: https://gamejolt.com/games/Doze/873683

Well as you will see today is Mega Man's anniversary so I made this drawing to celebrate it