Sole Forte
3 years ago

Menu, minimap and world layout have been tinkered with a lot lately to get ready for another playable test, which should happen soon. Updated the description above to include some estimated progression stats.



Next up

Preferable mode of travel underwater...

Added tiles for a new area including the wet element and some critters that might look like this.

The underwater area coming along...

The wet element is going to be a thing.

The arsenal has been enhanced.

Release the kraken?

You're just controlling a defenseless drone in Sole Forte, but there are always possibilities for an upgrade.

Summer and other circumstances slowed things down quite a bit, but I'm trying to give the old pen & paper its due and plan some additional stuff more properly.

Been silent for a while... so here's a little proof of life! ;)

New critters are in the making...