Project Collision

5 years ago

Menu Showcase!

First of all, we hope it doesn´t matter that these screenshots are in spanish, as it´s the main language of many of us in the team, that and the menu was one of the first things done for the game, but worry not, as the upcoming demo will include a language option for both English and Spanish.

while the demo will include at most a few gamemodes we wanted to include most of the things we have planned for the game on this menu.
this version of the main menu is clearly inspired by Brawl´s and features: Group, Solo, Vault, Options and Data, each one leads to a sub menu


And why not? Check out the character selection screen!


This screen takes more elements from Smash Bros. Ultimate, although it´s not finished, making character renders takes a while, and yes, we´ll talk about the characters from the demo… eventually.

Also, here is the Stage selection screen


Just as the last screen, this one is based more on Ultimate´s version, this time the hazards button will be on THIS screen, and also like the last screen the thumbnails from the stages do not represent the final version.

Believe it or not, these screens changed a lot from the concept phase of the game.


It´s nice to see how much we´ve improved in just a few months

Anyway, we hope you liked this week´s info bomb, tell us what you think and see you next time



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