Baldi's Fun Zoo™️
5 months ago

Merry Christmas!

Surprise! 0.1.5 is out!

No, it's not Christmas themed, but it IS an update.

Check the ingame change-log to see what's new!



Next up

new baldi appearence script is going great so far

Oh what a really friendly sounding dude!

just gonna casually drop this here

ok new frog sprite

ducks invaded my pc (real not fake)

just found this video i apparently recorded in 2023 randomly on my pc

new voice acting moment lkdsjlkfsjlfkjdlkjfldsafj ;kj 9 i390 i mnm,c nv

new tiger cage sprite

hi gamers, as you can see, i have redone the bully's t-shirt, so it actually looks decent now