Hello, Fossil Hunters!
Even though we’re still one day away from the previously announced date, we’ve decided to surprise you and release Raptor DLC a bit earlier. 🦖
Raptor DLC is already available on Steam!
This DLC brings a brand new Utharaptor ostrommaysi skeleton to Dinosaur Fossil Hunter!
The Raptor DLC will also include:
new Dinosaur species: Utahraptor ostrommaysi
new active dig sites on Dinosaur Canyon location
10 skeleton poses
252 unique bones
Utahraptor statue for Painting Room (from Designer DLC)
We’re also bringing you Patch v2.2.11 for the base game Dinosaur Fossil Hunter! You don’t need the DLC to get access to this update – the update will be available to you in the Steam library just like all the previous ones.
Here comes the Changelog since last version v2.2.0 -> v2.2.11:
- fixed blackscreen after sending first crates from quarry to museum / travelling to prologue museum
- fixed issue with controls at AZERTY keyboard
- fixed disabled controls after exiting car at second quarry
- fixed issue with binding keys and the "no action binded" info popping up
- fixed lector volume controler
- fixed issue with hilighted floor afrer exiting decoration mode
- fixed issue with adding achievement at worhshop museum
- fixed issue with marked stones after disabling this functionality at game menu
- fixed issue with creating new drawing at garage
- fixed issue with exporting sandbox museum to workshop
- fixed achievements - how much is it?, eagle eye, show your story
- fixed issue with wrong skeleton status at knowlege base
- fixed cactus material rendering
- fixed position of destinationts markings at the wall map
- fixed issue with resetting skeleton mirror at exposition
- fixed pathfinding the shortest path
- fixed bridges colliders at Dinosaur Canyon map
- fixed GPR and bucket materials color change
- fixed possibility to move the skeleton when we have the maximum number of decorations
- fixed bug with truck flying into the air after reset near underwater digs in Dinosaur Canyon
- fixed problems after merging two displays
- blocked collision of cars with barriers after loading the game
- blocked possibility of re-cleaning the bones automatically right after the first one is finished (causing blackscreen)
- Prologue (intro) scenes optimisation
- Raptor DLC support
🎄Treat it as an early Christmas gift from us. 😉
That's not all!
If you are curious to learn more about Utahraptor excavation don't forget to join Paleontologist Danny Anduza on his Twitch channel today at 12pm Los Angeles time (that's 21:00 CET time), he will start with Fossil News and then begin playing the game around 2pm LA time (around 23:00 CET time).
🦖➡️ paleontologizing

🎄All that’s left for us to do now is to wish you a wonderful Christmas time, full of family warmth, happiness and excitement… and with some dinosaurs in between. :)
Merry Christmas!
Dinosaur Fossil Hunter Team