1 month ago

mezzo's hot takes #4 because i need to post more often

Stop making fun of people who use the Scratch engine to make their projects just because it's aimed at younger people

Especially if you can't explain their algorithms/code



Next up

this game is now at a stage where I'm getting scared BY my own game

i accidentally left the Golden Clark office script running and I didn't flip my camera and as a result I straight up jumpscared myself

Also, here's the jumpscare (it's animated with code)

It has been a LONG while since I've made a video devlog for this game, but I've been in CRUNCH mode for this game recently, so that means I've done some stuff.

Read the article below

"I should have Golden Clark done by tomorrow"

Completes the drawing May 12th

I made a Max jumpscare

Bluite's Therapy

I made this a year ago but remastered it since it looked BAD..................

Oh yeah watch this on my yt, too


I got this even though I liked a post with 2 likes on it

So basically it's not even sticking to its own gimmick anymore, brilliant

I thought I only wanted this to have 2 nights, but I scrapped that and decided to code an optional custom night, this is obviously for the people who want more of a challenge after beating the base game